The 'American Century' is over


General Wesley Clark has added his voice to those who believe America’s days as the world’s superpower are over.

Speaking at a World Affairs Council program on Hilton Head Island Friday, Clark didn’t seem alarmed by an eclipse of the United States.  Indeed, he told the audience of almost 700 that it’s probably right that China becomes the world’s big dog because so much of civilization began with the Chinese.

“We are over-extended militarily, the national debt grows higher, our infrastructure is obsolete,” the former Supreme Commander of NATO’s European operations said. ”We are seeing the end of globalization.” The US political system is unable to deal with the nation’s problems.  Existential threats include cyber security, terrorism, climate change and wealth disparity.

The general tried to sound one optimistic note, noting the deep business and entrepreneurial experience of people in the audience.  “We are awash in plenty.  With our technology and energy, we can do anything we want.”

The first question from the audience to Clark, an unsuccessful Presidential nomination candidate in 2004, was “Would you try  again?”  The 75-year-old said he thought about taking a shot at it this time, but decided against it.  He would be referred to as “General”, and a war candidate, and didn't wan that.

In his most political comment, Clark said, “We need to make America geat again.  But not like we’re doing it now.”

General Clark’s Wikipedia pages.